Upload Files

Sharing your files, you may have the opportunity to get membership for free, click for more detail.

The file you upload cannot:

  1. Infringement of copyright and trademark rights
  2. Containing minors and bestiality content
  3. Programs containing viruses and Trojan horses
  4. The file size is less than 600MB
  5. Video duration is less than 10 minutes
  6. Include any watermark (except the watermark generated by the shooting device)
  7. The resolution is less than 720P
  8. Manually edited

Please name the file as your username or email address in LINSEMAO before uploading, otherwise you will not be able to upgrade your membership. If you upload a video maliciously, you will be blacklisted.

Click to start uploading means you agree to the above terms.

[ssu_upload button=”Start upload”]

You can also send an email to linsemao.com@gmail.com. Subject: The name of the file you uploaded + your username or email.