Video of Chinese college students having sex in classroom leaks


Video of Chinese college students having sex in classroom leaks

The video was filmed on May 16, 2021, in a classroom at Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology, China. At noon on Sunday, the college students wanted to experience a thrilling and exciting public sex while the classroom was empty. They are not lovers, the girl has a boyfriend, and she is having an affair with this boy. They kiss passionately, the guy touches the girl's ass, then takes off her skirt and presses her hard cock against her belly. The girl took off her panties and sat on the table while the guy slowly inserted his dick into her cunt while kissing her. The girl put one arm around his neck and the other hand propped up the table. The boy pushed and inserted so hard that the table shook and made a loud noise. The boy put on a condom, the girl stood against the wall, he fucked her from behind, and after a while of thrusting, he ejaculated. He left the classroom first, and she left after getting dressed.


  • 1080p
  • 2021-05-16
  • China, Harbin
  • 374.61MB
  • 12:09
  • 4.9

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Video of Chinese college students having sex in classroom leaksVideo of Chinese college students having sex in classroom leaksVideo of Chinese college students having sex in classroom leaksVideo of Chinese college students having sex in classroom leaks

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