2023-11-23:Due to the recent congestion on the Bitcoin blockchain, try to avoid using Bitcoin. Please use Bitcoin Cash or XRP! !
(You can easily do it in 5 minutes.)
If you cannot pay with your VISA / MASTER card
You need to call your credit card company and directly ask them to lift the restrictions on overseas payments.
Please note: XRP will be faster and will only take a minute to complete. Bitcoin usually takes around 30 minutes.
Pay with PayBis
Choose Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash when ordering from LINSEMAO

Copy Bitcoin address and transfer amount

Buy bitcoin website
Click the website link
Enter the transfer amount on the LINSEMAO payment page
Just copy and enter the BTC amount.

Note here When you send bitcoin to another person, a fee will be incurred, so pay with a margin of about 5%

Select External wallet, and paste the Bitcoin address you copied from LINSEMAO checkout page.

Click the wallet at the top left of the main screen – click the transaction history at the top
You can see the current status of my transaction
In progress – exchange person has not yet confirmed
Completed – The transaction is complete and the purchase of Bitcoin was successful
Rejected-rejected due to credit card company error
Pay with Changelly
Changelly website
Pay with CoinGate
CoinGate website
Note: coingate requires about 8% more fees, and the minimum purchase of cryptocurrency is $50.